Founding Fathers Loved Cannabis
FFLC is a Colorado-based initiative formed in February 2022. The aim of FFLC is to increase public understanding of the species Cannabis sativa L., marijuana and industrial hemp, with an interdisciplinary perspective focused on providing access to a wide range of useful cannabis research, as well as exploring potential avenues in which cannabis products could be utilized in harm reduction strategies, primarily tobacco harm reduction.
Site overview
Harm Reduction tab:
Exploring the role cannabis can potentially play in tobacco harm reduction and synthetic drugs of abuse harm reduction.
Info & FAQs tab:
Cannabis FAQs: Frequently asked questions about cannabis.
Literature overviews: Empirical, evidence-based cannabis research translating into easily understood summaries and conclusions.
Crowdsourced research: Ways you can contribute to advancing cannabis research worldwide.
References: A list of 300+ references relating to cannabis.
About FFLC: About the founder of Founding Fathers Loved Cannabis.
Contact FFLC: