About FFLC

Founding Fathers Loved Cannabis was formed in 2022 by myself, Janina Bowen, MS. I graduated from Colorado State University in Fort Collins, Colorado in May of 2022 with a master's degree from the department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture. 

I grew certified organic CBD hemp for four field seasons (2019-2022) at Colorado State University at ARDEC South which is part of ARDEC: The Agricultural Research, Development and Education Center, which is an off-campus research and teaching farm located in northern Fort Collins. ARDEC consists of 1,065 acres of land in total, most of which is located at the main location, ARDEC North, which contains 1,000 acres of land. My field work was conducted at ARDEC South, which consists of the remaining 65 acres, including about 10 acres of USDA certified organic land. 

Research from 2019 + 2022 field seasons: Pollen exclusion as a management practice for high-CBD Cannabis, resulting differences in marketable biomass and 18 phytocannabinoid concentrations (master's thesis research). 

Research from 2021 + 2022 field seasons: Different concentrations of 13-0-0 organic nitrogen fertilizer for high-CBD Cannabis, resulting differences in marketable biomass and 18 phytocannabinoid concentrations (ongoing research, unpublished). 

Download my master's thesis here (field experiments from 2019 and 2020) published 5/2022

Understanding the phytochemistry of high-CBD hemp: Efficacy of common row cover materials for pollen exclusion and impact on flower chemistry

Download Scientific Reports article published 11/2021 here:

The impact of extraction protocol on the chemical profile of cannabis extracts from a single cultivar

Curriculum Vitae

Janina K. Bowen



2019-2022 Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

M.S. in Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Advisor: Dr. Jessica Prenni

Master’s thesis: Understanding the phytochemistry of high-CBD hemp: Efficacy of common row cover materials for pollen exclusion and impact on flower phytochemistry.

2010-2014 University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

B.S. in Psychology


Bowen, J.K., Chaparro, J.M., McCorkle, A.M. et al. The impact of extraction protocol on the chemical profile of cannabis extracts from a single cultivar. Sci Rep 11, 21801 (2021). https://doi.org/10.1038/s41598-021-01378-0

Research Experience 

Graduate Research Assistant 6/2019-12/2022

Department of Horticulture and Landscape Architecture

Colorado State University, Fort Collins, CO

Principal Investigator: Dr. Jessica Prenni

Research Assistant 11/2017-3/2019

The Center for Health and Addiction: Neuroscience, Genes, and Environment: CUChange Lab. 

University of Colorado, Boulder, CO

Principal Investigators: Dr. Cinnamon Bidwell, Dr. Kent Hutchison 

Research Assistant 5/2016-11/2017

Vermont Center on Behavior and Health

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Principal Investigator: Dr. Diann Gaalema

Research Assistant 2/2012-5/2016

The Potter Lab

Clinical Neuroscience Research Unit

University of Vermont, Burlington, VT

Principal Investigator: Dr. Alexandra Potter


Bowen, J., Prenni J., Chaparro, J., Uchanksi, M. Impacts of Pollen Exclusion as a Management Practice for High-CBD Hemp. Poster presented remotely at the National Hemp Research & Education Conference, August 2020, Fort Collins, CO.

Contributed Presentations 

Chaparro, J., Prenni, J., Bowen, J., Mitchell, B. LC-MS/MS assay for the quantitation of 20 phytocannabinoids in hemp plants exposed to simulated hail damage. Poster presented at the 68th American Society for Mass Spectrometry (ASMS) Conference on Mass Spectrometry and Allied Topics, June 2020, Houston, TX.

Gaalema D.E., Tidey J.W., Tyndale R.F., Tromblee, M., Bowen, J., Higgins S.T. Nicotine Metabolite Ratio and Smoking Behaviors in Those with Current Affective Disorders. Poster presented at the 124th annual meeting of the American Psychological Association, August 2016, Burlington, VT. 

Lab Skills